What is Health & Safety for the construction industry?
The construction industry has its own set of regulations, namely the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM Regs), along with others that come under the Health & Safety etc At Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
As a trades person, whether you are working as a one man band or if you operate a firm of any size, these regulations apply.
How we help the Construction Industry
The CDM Regs appoint contractors with duties; a Principle Contractor role is to produce a Construction Phase Plan (CPP), this is required on all jobs, whether it falls under the HSE's criteria as being notifiable or non-notifiable.
Here at NICS we can work with you to assist in producing all relevant documentation for legal compliance.
- Health & Safety Policies and Procedures
- Construction Phase Plans
- Risk Assessments
- Method Statements
- Safe Systems of Work put into operation
- Tool Box Talks
- Training
- Certifications and Accreditations
Why Choose NICS to help with your Health and Safety
NICS can't build walls or plaster, NICS can't even plumb a sink in, but we can write Health & Safety Policies and Procedures and provide you with the relevant documents and information to keep you working compliant.
You are your own professionals in your own fields, why not leave your Health & Safety in the hands of our professionals.
So what next?
If you are interested in speaking to us about Health and Safety for the construction industry, please call on 07903338719, email on info@national-ics.co.uk or contact us via the contact form.