Retail Sector

Not only do you need to consider your employees, but those that enter your premises.  You have a duty under the Health and Safety etc at Work Act (HSWA) 1974 

This Act places a legal duty on employers to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of employees, and to ensure that employees and others are kept safe.

  • Slips and trips
  • Manual handling
  • Workplace transport
  • Violence


Shop Risk Assessments

Shop risk assessments allow required in all small low-risk shops to high-risk large commercial shops, these can be undertaken quick and easily.

NICS will produce a tailored assessment by selecting the relevant hazards and thinking about how you control them in your own environment.


So what next?

If you are interested in speaking to us about Health & Safety in Retail or require Risk Assessments for your staff and the general public, please call on 07903338719, email on or contact us via the contact form.